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Book your first Art Therapy session

an art therapy session
at Hands-on Art

Painting on a Wall
Your art therapist

The art therapy session is hosted by Laura Latacz, who is a certified art therapist with years of experience in 1:1 and group sessions. 



The art therapy session takes place in Haus Zum Lernen in Zug.

Sankt-Oswalds-Gasse 20, 6300 Zug



One art therapy session in person of 90 minutes costs 120 Chf. 
This can be paid via Twint or via Invoice.

One online art therapy session costs 65 CHF for 60 minutes and will take place via Google Meet.
The art materials will be at your own cost. 


What is included?

  • A first conversation via telephone for a Q&A:

    • Introduction chat (who am I, who are you?)

    • What is your condition / your challenging situation?

    • Do you have any experience with making art?

    • Do you have any preferred art materials to work with or you would like to try out?

    • What are your expectations?

    • Practicalities: choosing the day and time for the first art therapy session.

  • Preparation of the art therapy session by the art therapist before the session takes place. This includes research and planning of the session. The set-up is entirely planned for you personally.

  • High quality art material (depending on the art activities, you will be able to use premium acrylic paints, water color, ecoline ink, pencils, markers, oil pastels, media based papers, canvas, ..)

  • Full guidance of the art therapist during the session



During the session 

  • To comfort your nerves in the beginning, the session starts with a warm-up activity. This could be a breathing exercise, a simple drawing activity or a meditation. 

  • During the art therapy session we use music. This can go from gentle meditative music to upbeat instrumental music to accompany our creative activities and bring you in the right mood.

  • You will be invited to make art. The chosen art activities will be explained to you. You don't need to have any art experience. The art activities initiate self-reflection. 

  • During the open conversation with the art therapist about your art work, new insights, perspectives and thoughts can come to the surface. Art therapy is about the creative process, not about the end result - the way it looks like should not be judged (whether it is pretty or not). During the art therapy session we see if there are hidden messages in your art work. The art therapist helps you uncover and interpret the symbolic and subconscious elements present in your artwork. These hidden messages can provide valuable insights into your inner world.

  • What you creatively produce with your hands is in direct contact with your intuition, your subconsciousness, your imagination, your emotions. Engaging the right hemisphere of the brain, which is associated with creativity, intuition, and emotions, is a key aspect of art therapy. It allows for a deeper exploration of one's emotions and inner experiences.



How many sessions

How many art therapy sessions you need, depends on your personal case.
The art therapist will give you a recommendation at the end of the first session. 



Your benefits

Art therapy can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, self-expression, stress reduction, and emotional healing. 

Overall, art therapy is a valuable therapeutic modality that recognizes the profound connection between creativity and emotional well-being. It provides individuals with a unique avenue for self-exploration and personal growth.



The art therapist has professional secrecy. That means that the entire session is anonymous to the outer world.

You can take your art works home. The art therapist will photograph your art works for your personal file and for follow-up sessions. She will also take notes during the session.



Art therapy session for multiple persons

In case you want to attend one art therapy session with two persons, either your partner, a family member or a friend, we will adapt the price and length of the session accordingly. 

One art therapy session of two persons: 210 CHF for 120 minutes.


For a group session other prices will be applicable. Please contact me for an inquiry. 



Book an art therapy session

Either you can call us at +41 (0) 77 452 57 72 or you can fill in this form so we can schedule an appointment.

Please let us know how we can help you.

Thanks for submitting!

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