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Updated: Mar 15, 2021

So glad that you found your way to our blog. We are very excited to announce you the birth of our new business Hands-on Art.

Hands-on Art is THE place where you can improve your mental health through the power of art.

When was the last time that you held a pencil? Do you remember how you felt when you were a kid and you opened a new box of sharpened pencils, chose your favourite colour and scribbled freely and happily without any sense of time.

Same as for kids drawing can be a relaxing and mindful experience for adults.

Did you know that it is possible to solve mental health problems through the process of art-making?

At Hands-on Art it is our mission to offer an unforgettable moment to our clients where they can freely and creatively express themselves, gain insights and ultimately find balance, happiness, self-confidence and rediscover their purpose in life through cultivating self-awareness.

We combine the core principles from art therapy with a hands-on approach. Similar to what happens in life coaching it is our goal to empower yourself in order to shape your life as you dream it. Our secret weapon to accomplish that is the power of art.

We are not a medical service, our art coaching sessions are not meant to cure mental illness.

People that book an art coaching session with us are looking for answers and want change. They want to improve their life quality and dare to question their habits and current life style. At any moment in life we can change our behaviour for the better.

It demands guts to take action, invest time and money for our wellbeing.

The strength of our art coaching sessions lies within the functioning of our brain.

While speech and reasoning are regulated by our left brain, our emotions and intuition are

activated by our right brain.

In regular speech therapy we mostly use our left brain. We use reasoning to find solutions to our problems. Our right brain is neglected in that case. When we create art we use our right brain. Our unconsciousness comes to the surface. The creative process can bring hidden patterns to the surface, which cannot be triggered with speech only. In our art coaching session we create a synergy between the two brain hemispheres to reach the most efficient results.

Under the guidance of a certified art therapist you will be invited to create art. An art assignment will be given that is especially meant to overcome your problem(s). During the session the art therapist will not judge your art work. You will be the only one who gives meaning to your art work. The art therapist is there to support you during the process and to ask you the right questions that will lead to new perspectives and finally more self-awareness. Drawing talent is not required.

Art therapy is a distinct discipline in psychology and numerous scientific research has been done about its wholesome effect on mental health issues.

We truly believe in the power of art and we hope we can make you excited too!

See you soon! Laura

Founder & art therapist

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